Minggu, 15 Desember 2019

Analysis My Friend's Poem by Using Biographical Analysis

Based on the poet's biography, this poem tells about experiences about sadness, pain, lonely, and all of problems that happened to her. Moreover, she is a fifth-semester student at one of the universities in Tasikmalaya and she is 20 years old because usually at that semester, there a lot of assignments that students have to do, so the poet had to feel sad or stress.

Because the poet is female and 20 years old, her emotion has not been stable yet. At that time, young adults are more susceptible to experience mental disorders and usually women prioritize emotions in dealing with problems rather than men. Thus, no wonder, she experienced painful so easily.

She wrote that poem to try healing her own self from sadness, stress, painful, and all of the problems. She supported herself to rise from adversity. She also believed that she can be stronger and pass all of her pain. Moreover, to reveal her emotions, she preferred to write a poem based on her feelings to she had to show her pain to many people while seeking an attention. Even more, she indeed likes quotes or proverbs. Therefore, she wrote that poem.

Rizka Faidah Utami (1701010030)

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