Sabtu, 29 Mei 2021

Limitation of Internet Access for E-Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic

          COVID-19 has occurred since December 2019 with the first outbreak in Wuhan, China. The spread of this virus also has occurred in more than 227 countries. Hence, it causes the pandemic around the world that is still hard to handle until nowadays, especially in Indonesia. Many life sectors which is obstructed by the pandemic, included education sector. To avoid the spread of COVID-19, the Indonesian government makes new education policy, where face-to-face learning is changed into online learning. Students have to learn from home or it can be called E-learning which relies on technology. However, there are significant challenge while implementing E-learning, one of those challenges is, internet. Moreover, according to one of statements in news, there are still many students who feel unpleasant when they learn from home because the availability of internet in Indonesia is still inadequate and internet is unstable (Hasbi, 2020). It becomes an obstacle itself for not only students of high school but also students of university when E-learning during the pandemic. This essay will focus on how lack of internet access provides negative affect for learning activity during the pandemic. Firstly, the essay will identify the impact of limitation of internet access for students. Secondly, the essay will identify how either the government handles limitation of internet access in E-learning activity. Because there is less available data on experience of bad internet access in students of university realm, this essay will only discuss bad internet access in students of school realm.




Limitation of internet access is the main obstacle in E-learning activity. It provides negative impact for students. Although now is 21st century, where technology has huge role, especially in education (Kamba, 2017), not all of students can access technology, one of them, is internet, especially for students who live in rural areas will find it difficult to access the internet. Most of them are forced to stay out of their house to find a good internet signal. They have to walk for several kilometer so they can access the internet and conduct E-learning. For instance, (Bustami A, 2020) shows that there is a nineth-grade-student in Ciamis, West Java, who has to conduct their homework at security post because the internet only can be accessed at certain points. Even though, they ought to stay at home because of pandemic, they are willing to go out of their house and ignore their health for conducting their homework. This situation seems unprofitable and pathetic. The students cannot receive knowledge as it should be, meanwhile other students who has good internet access can receive it. For this reason, it might cause uneven access for E-learning and foolishness towards among students.

Neverthless, Indonesian government tries to handle a problem of internet access. The government tries to find an effective way to handle it, by airing a program “Belajar dari Rumah” through TVRI channel, based on the initiative of the Minister of Education, Nadiem Makarim. He has ever said, “which should be noted that in fact in this situation, is the provision of meaningful education.”. Based on his statement, he chooses meaningful learning model during pandemic. Therefore, airing a program “Belajar dari Rumah” is chosen. The learning program on TVRI is not only innovative but also helpful because the content of this program can create fun atmosphere in learning activity (Zuhri R. S, 2020). This program also provides the material which is about how parents should educate children properly. Besides, it is regarded to help the implementation of education for all people, especially for those whose geographical locations are difficult to reach internet access. However, on the other hand, the government cannot only rely on program “Belajar dari Rumah”, they also should provide good internet facility for students, especially in rural area, since the TV program is not enough for learning. Moreover, only relying on the TV program cannot make students conducting their homework, it only provides learning material. Because when students conduct E-learning, they not only receive learning material but also homework, and they need internet access to conduct their homework.

In conclusion, in this situation, internet access not only can be needed since almost every activity is changed into online activity but also it can be a main obstacle for students when E-learning during COVID-19 pandemic as it is limited. The limitation of internet access may gives negative impacts, where most of students in rural areas cannot take lessons properly. They also have to walk several kilometers to access good internet. This situation becomes challenging itself for Indonesian government so the government provides program “Belajar dari Rumah”, but it is not enough. Therefore, equity of internet access becomes another choice which should be done by the government for welfare of education in Indonesia so all of people, either who are in rural areas or urban areas can also enjoy education, especially during the pandemic.

Created by: Rizka Faidah Utami


Arsendy, S., Sukoco, G. A., & Purba, R. E. (2020, April). Riset dampak COVID-19: potret gap akses online ‘Belajar dari Rumah’ dari 4 provinsi. Retrieved from The Conversation:

Indriani. (2020, April 9). Mendikbud luncurkan program "Belajar dari Rumah". Retrieved from Antaranews:

Kamba, M. A. (2017). The Internet as a Tool for Interactive Learning, Teaching and Research: Nigerian Experience. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 2(3). Retrieved from

Murni, S. M. (2020, April 13). TVRI dan Tantangan Program "Belajar dari Rumah" Kemendikbud. Retrieved from Edukasi Kompas:

Publication Team of Radar Cirebon. (2020, May 14). Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Terkendala Akses Internet. Retrieved from Radar Cirebon:

Publication Team of Republika. (2020, July 16). In Picture: Pelajar Terkendala Keterbatasan Jaringan Internet. Retrieved from Republika:

Sofia, H. (2020, April 12). Program Belajar dari Rumah TVRI jadi solusi keterbatasan internet. Retrieved from Antaranews:


Sabtu, 13 Juni 2020

Speech Production: Error Analysis

Penulis : Ali Al-Halawani

      Analisis kesalahan adalah bidang linguistik terapan dan pembelajaran bahasa asing yang sangat signifikan karena ketika menulis atau menerjemahkan suatu bahasa ke dalam bahasa asing, para peserta didik membuat banyak sekali kesalahan. Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam studi kasus ini yaitu dengan mengambil sampel sebanyak 38 mahasiswa dari tahun ketiga dan tahun keempat. Para mahasiswa tersebut diminta untuk menyelesaikan tugas terjemahan dalam kurun waktu satu minggu. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitiannya, jurnal ini menunjukkan bahwa pelajar bahasa Inggris di Malaysia membuat kesalahan pada kegiatan menulis, termasuk tata bahasa dan kolokasi. Karenanya, studi kasus dalam jurnal ini berharap para guru bahasa Inggris di Malaysia dapat mengajarkan siswa-siswanya untuk menulis dalam bahasa ibu dan bahasa kedua dengan tepat.


      Kegiatan menulis bukanlah sesuatu hal yang mudah dilakukan, baik dalam bahasa ibu atau bahasa kedua. Banyak sekali kesalahan yang dibuat oleh para pelajar ketika mereka menulis atau menerjemahkan dari bahasa ibu ke dalam bahasa asing. Kesalahan tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kemajuan mereka dalam proses pembelajaran itu sendiri.

       Di Malaysia, bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa kedua yang diajarkan di sekolah dasar dan menengah. Akan tetapi, masih banyak pelajar yang membuat kesalahan-kesalahan dalam menulis dan menerjemahkan. Kesalahan yang mereka buat itu, baik dalam tugas penulisan maupun terjemahan mencerminkan kemahiran yang relatif buruk, terutama ketika harus memilih istilah atau ungkapan yang sesuai. Maka dari itu, penulis melakukan studi kasus terhadap para pelajar di Malaysia dan menganalisis kesalahan-kesalahannya. Analisis kesalahan ini memiliki beberapa implikasi, baik dalam proses pengajaran ataupun pembelajaran. Hal tersebut memberikan bukti bagaimana suatu bahasa dipelajari. Fokus utama dari analisis kesalahan ini yaitu tata bahasa dan kolokasi memberikan tugas untuk menerjemahkan suatu teks dari bahasa Melayu ke dalam bahasa Inggris.

      Alasan dari studi kasus ini yaitu memeriksa berbagai kesalahan yang dilakukan peserta didik saat mengerjakan tugas terjemahan dari bahasa Melayu ke dalam Inggris. Selain itu, hal tersebut membantu mereka supaya sadar akan kesalahannya, dengan demikian dapat memperbaikinya, serta mendorong siswa untuk berkonsentrasi pada proses dan masalah terjemahan, sehingga memungkinkan mereka untuk bisa menggunakan bahasa Inggris lebih baik.


      Metode yang digunakan dalam studi kasus ini yaitu dengan mengambil sampel sebanyak 38 mahasiswa dari tahun ketiga dan tahun keempat. Para mahasiswa tersebut diminta untuk menerjemahkan satu bagian dari kabar berita, dari bahasa Melayu ke dalam bahasa Inggris dalam kurun waktu satu minggu. Kabar berita yang digunakan merupakan kabar berita yang diambil dari situs web, dengan judul Rayani Air Digantung Tiga Bulan, tanggal April 11, 2016. Kabar berita tesebut memiliki 235 kata secara keseluruhan.


      Ketika menulis atau menerjemahkan, para peserta didik membuat banyak sekali kesalahan, baik dalam bahasa ibu atau bahasa asing. Maka dari itu, penulis melakukan studi kasus ini dengan menganalisis kesalahan-kesalahan mereka, yang bertujuan untuk membantu mereka supaya sadar akan kesalahannya dalam menulis atau menerjemahkan, dengan demikian mereka dapat memperbaikinya. Berdasarkan hasil dari study ini, menunjukkan bahwa peserta didik EFL di Malaysia membuat kesalahan dalam tata bahasa dan kolokasi. Guru, perancang silabus, dan lembaga pendidikan disarankan untuk mengadopsi teknik pengajaran yang diusulkan dan direkomendasikan oleh berbagai penelitian mengenai analisis kesalahan untuk membantu peserta didik EFL meningkatkan kompetensi dan prestasi mereka. Karenanya, studi kasus dalam jurnal ini berharap para guru bahasa Inggris dapat mengajarkan siswa-siswanya untuk menulis dan memberikan kesempatan kepada mereka untuk terus berlatih menulis dalam bahasa ibu dan bahasa kedua dengan tepat.

Minggu, 15 Desember 2019

Analysis My Friend's Poem by Using Biographical Analysis

Based on the poet's biography, this poem tells about experiences about sadness, pain, lonely, and all of problems that happened to her. Moreover, she is a fifth-semester student at one of the universities in Tasikmalaya and she is 20 years old because usually at that semester, there a lot of assignments that students have to do, so the poet had to feel sad or stress.

Because the poet is female and 20 years old, her emotion has not been stable yet. At that time, young adults are more susceptible to experience mental disorders and usually women prioritize emotions in dealing with problems rather than men. Thus, no wonder, she experienced painful so easily.

She wrote that poem to try healing her own self from sadness, stress, painful, and all of the problems. She supported herself to rise from adversity. She also believed that she can be stronger and pass all of her pain. Moreover, to reveal her emotions, she preferred to write a poem based on her feelings to she had to show her pain to many people while seeking an attention. Even more, she indeed likes quotes or proverbs. Therefore, she wrote that poem.

Rizka Faidah Utami (1701010030)

Rabu, 11 Desember 2019

Analysis "A Letter to Myself" by Postmodernism

A Letter to Myself
By: Melissa Paiz

The clock strikes three in the morning and I find myself still awake
Tossing and turning
Thinking and thinking about the day that awaits.
My mind is against me
But my heart tells me to be strong.
It tells me that I will eventually find my euphoric key -
I just need to hold on.
There are reasons why people live on and face the mundane
And sometimes bleak hours of this thing we call life.
There are reasons we enjoy the sunrise,
Every morning bird’s song, 
And how some people push the thought of suicide away and put down the knife.
The laughter loved one’s cause, 
The warmth of a hug and a sweet late night kiss, 
It is in these moments that the wounded souls find bliss.
I've written words of hatred towards myself for many years,
Words that I'd never call anyone else,
Words filled with anger and fears.
Dear me who has pushed through pain,
Attempted ending of all,
And has built an indestructible wall to protect what's left of a broken person.
You love so much and yet never give the same amount to yourself
You help other when they fall,
But you hurt yourself instead of asking for help
You see all of your faults and tear yourself down,
You continue this cycle until you start to drown.


“A Letter to Myself” poem was created by Melissa Paiz on June 25, 2018. This poem belongs to postmodernism, because it was written in postmodernism era and in postmodernism itself, everything is subjective and all perceptions are constructed. In this poem, the poet tells about her feelings, about her circumstances where she was experiencing the depression and she tried to rise from her depression and to support that she could get through it alone. It can be seen from the dictions that she used in her poem, she always supported herself when her own weak circumstance, she tried to reinforce herself as well. There are implied messages where she not only support her own self but also people who have depression. 

Moreover, all perceptions and responds from readers can be seen by us in her comment box on her Youtube channel. Readers’ perceptions says that probably Melissa wrote that poem because she had a serious problem which causes she was in the weakest moment and at the end she could rise from her problem and got rid of her own fears. Then, readers’ responds is so various and pretty great. Some of them support her and people who are in weakest moment, some of them experience what Melissa felt, some of them are truly touched by Melissa’s poem and make them crying. 

Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2019

Poem - Him (Kind of Poetry)

by: Rizka Faidah Utami

Tall and a little bit skinny
Friendly and kind
His voice is so melodious
And soothing
Like a bird chirping in the morning
His eyes are so stunning
Like a rainbow arising after the rain
His gaze is so deep
As deep as the ocean
His smile is so sweet
As sweet as cotton candy

He’s almost full of perfection
And I truly admire him


          This is poem I made is belong to poetry of praise because my poem expresses and praises about the characteristics of someone who I admire. This poem tells about my idol. He is totally attractive for me. His characteristics steal my heart to admire him because as I know, he is so friendly and kind when he meet his fans and he never ignore his fans. He is also never arrogant. I can’t handle myself when I see him smile, because it’s too sweet though. The point is, all of his characteristics make me interested in him and admire him.

Selasa, 01 Oktober 2019

Poem Analysis - A Red, Red Rose

A Red, Red Rose
By: Robert Burns

O my Luve's like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung in June;
O my Luve is like the melody
That’s sweetly played in tune!
So fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till a’ the seas gang dry.
Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi’ the sun;


  • This poem is made by Robert Burns, a famoys Scotthish poet. This poem is about his love to a woman. He has deep feelings for her so he write a poem to describe his love feeling to her.
  • Robert Burns use "luve" word, I think, because he is a typical shy man and he is not brave enough to call her "love" and use "love" word. And he doesn't want to seem frontal to call her "love" so he choose "luve" word instead of "love" word.
  • On this poem, Robert Burns also use a red rose to symbolize his love to a woman that he love. He use red rose, not other flowers or color of flowers because I think, first, rose is a beautiful flower. It smells good. It is identical with the world of romance. Second, red rose is type of flowers that is widely used as a symbol of romanticism, can also be said as an expression of affection. Moreover, red rose has a meaning. It is "I love you".

Minggu, 29 September 2019

Poem Analysis - My Best Friend

My Best Friend
(by Abby Jenkins)

Black and white
Thick and furry
Fast as the wind
Always in a hurry
Couple of spots
Rub my ears
Always comes when his name he hears
Loves his ball; it's his favorite thing
What's most fun for him? Everything!
Great big tongue that licks my face
Has a crate, his very own space
Big brown eyes like moon pies
He's my friend till the very end!

  • This poem is about the true friendship. There is no matter how or who your bestfriend is. Comfortable feeling is the important thing when you make a relationship with others. Precisely, when you heart feels comfortable with that joy.
  • Abby as the poet, tells us about the journey when she has a dog which has been her bestfriend. She describes how much she loves her furry pal through describing every inch of her friend's habits. She also tells us about what things are that her friend often to do with her. Moreover, she assumes that her dog as her bestfriend because her dog is so loyal. She always find her happiness when being with it. Eventhough, her dog can't talk, but it always listens to her.
  • We think, this poem is suitable for 4th-grade or 5th-grade-children, between 10-11 years old, because the language used is more varied. At that age, children are already able to analyze the reading materials based on their experience or logic.

Analyzed by:
- Rizka Faidah Utami (1701010030)
- Shofa Latifah 

Limitation of Internet Access for E-Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic

             COVID-19 has occurred since December 2019 with the first outbreak in Wuhan, China. The spread of this virus also has occurred i...